The Conference Geo Tirol 2016

Info on the Conference Geo Tirol 2016

The conference “GeoTirol 2016” ( was hosted at the University of Innsbruck and acts as Annual Meeting of the German DGGV (Deutsche Geologische Gesellschaft – Geologische Vereinigung).

During the last 2 days (27/9/2016 & 28/9/2016), Mr. Johannes Müller presented a poster with the first technical outcomes of WP2 (Task 2.2. & Task 2.3.) of the Cheap-GSHPs project.

Cheap at GeoTirol16

During the poster presentation, Mr. Johannes Müller had talked to several German and Austrian Scientist (mostly of the deep geothermal sector) to present the Cheap-GSHPs Project. They were quite interested about the shallow geothermal sector and about the recent developments.